Sunday, September 26, 2004

Looking back at the chapters of Alex Yeo's life

Hi, I'm Alex.

It's 2:58am now. The time when i shall begin wasting my time typing this post. The time when at the another part of the world, a woman may just struck lottery. The time when probably an average income man, just realised he's the heir to a billionaire. The time when maybe, a boy realised he passed his major exams with flying colours. The time when a man is just announced winner for some singing competition. Or, probably just a time when a hardworking businessman had lost all his income. A time when..... people are still suffering. The time when unfortunate things are happening.

All that could be happening. And i'm here. Typing this post, at 3:03 am now. OR maybe at the same time, nothing like that is happening at all. It's just my guess anyway. Just like how anyone guess what may be going on at another place without having the slightest info on it. Grr...

Looking back into my life, I can't deny the fact that i have enjoyed my childhood days when i was younger. I can't deny the fact that I didn't give the slightest damn about the people around me. I was in the world of my own. Not to say i'm lonely with no friends. I have friends. But i just don't look further than my school and my family.
Is it my fault anyway? I was young. Wasn't everyone like this?

And now, i'm still thinking to myself why am i posting this crap. Hypothesis number one, i'm bored and got nothing to do this time in the morning. Can be quite true. What else can i do besides this anyway? Sleep? Study? Hypothesis number two, i had something i wanted to tell. Can be true. But my memory sux. If i really had something to tell, I forgot. Hypothesis number three, some other reasons.

ALL those just immediately prove that I do things just to do it. As in, without a certain reason or whatsoever. I waste my time surfing on the net for Idol News all around the world, soccer news updates, and blogs. Most of the times to get more info, but sometimes just to avoid the feeling of regret for not doing something more worthwhile, eg:- study. Exams are in 8 days time? And yes, I am here, typing this.
If YOU are here,from SSC, reading this, sometime between Sept 26-Oct 3, I suggest u stop it immediately and take a book and start reading now. I don't care how well prepared u are. Afterall, it's much better than reading this meaningless post.

And yes, back to my chapters of my life.
At the beginning, school was a playground. Even studies were fun. People that looked and shaped like you were all around you in one room, looking at colourful pictures at funny shaped objects that are supposed to be called numbers/alphabets. Playtime was even 10X more exciting. We could do things our family thought us not to do at home like throw the ball around. It was fun, it was exciting.

Then the years went past, school was still good. Teachers were getting funny. Or maybe I just learnt to understand them. Friends are closer, and they are there for a different purpose now. Never realised some people can be so similiar to you, having the same interests on television or some gossip you recently found out. Things were going fantastic. Studies were not tough, they were all do-able. Nothing was hard to understand those years.

Then as time flies pass, I came across algebra questions that got me gasping. The "always-wanted-to-learn" subject turned out to be a killer. What had happened to Mathematics?! IT'S invaded by alphabets. Confusion runs in. Friends walk in and out of your life during those years, as if we have not enough things to worry about. Appearance plays a huge role at this time of life. If you are fantastic looking, you will be in every friend's club, societies, gatherings there are. If you are average looking, you lead an average early teen life. If you are not up to the mark, who are you? At this point of life, rapid changes will happen... I just stood there and let the changed overcome me. More mentally compared to physically i should say. I learnt alot from my "same-age mates" or whatever u call them.

Time goes by and suddenly "playing catching" seems like such a horrible immature activity. What i noticed was the fashion change during this part of life. Many gal-friends skirt got shorter, more guys with jeans and weird chains and bracelets, which i don't have and don't intend to purchase one. Piercings are a sudden increase during this period. Guys are seen with the 'sticks' to hide their piercings in school, like the sticks help anyway... Girls can't wait to have belly button piercings at this point of life. And yea, shopping for ur own clothes are another change I noticed. And girls are slowly changing to what they are supposed to be anyway, shopaholics.
And yeah, the Identity Factor. All is happening at this point. People will know their true identity, and how they really want to potray themselves..

So those are my chapters so far... I thought I had gone quite a long way but for all i know, all those are maybe just one small tiny chapter in my life. I know i still have a long way to go after school. But I'll probably save all those in my head as just, the chapters of my school life, which is, i think, slightly more appropriate. =)

It's 3:34 AM now.
And i think i'm going to bed not long after this. And forgive my grammatical errors and horrible english. It's late. :)



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