Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Prompted by Alex, here I'm giving out my first post since the blog revived!! (Ignore the previous one coz I accidentally posted wrongly in this blog)

Anyway, I'm in Australia now, Canberra is the precise place I'm sitting on. One thing I want to stress is that Canberra is not a boring place, maybe it's not as busy as Sydney and Melbourne, and people tends to perceive relaxing lifestyle as boring.. well...

I'm currently doing my first semester here in Australia National University, and I'm the only 1 from SSC that came to this.. prestigious university (whatever...)...

Actually I don't have much things to say it here, for more detail updates of my life, visit my blog, I think you can reach there by clicking some link on the right of this blog..


*Note: Well done Alex for bringing back this blog!
(and other people who helps!)

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